
During the Nolleuppdrag (Nolle-missions), the Nollan will be divided into a mission group together with mentees from other mentor groups. It is an opportunity for the Nollan to get to know people outside their mentor group by attending mission nights and a pub together with the others in the mission. At the same time, the Nolla gets to represent the K-Guild during some of the Introduction’s biggest events in competitions against other Guilds at LTH. Some of the missions are more theatrical, such as Nollebandet (Nolle-band), nollefilmen (Nolle-movie), and Showdown, while others are construction missions such as soapbox and ØverpHøs obstacle course. The nolle-missions also offers a trip to Helsingborg that no Nolla wants to miss. When not performing a mission, the Nolla is a part of the Guild and cheer on the missions with the classic K-spirit! One thing all missions have in common is the freedom for creativity and creation to flow.

Read below to find out which mission the Nolla finds the most exciting.