If You Need Support
If the Nolla feels that student life has gotten a bit too hectic and there is just too much going on for you to deal with - there are several persons you can talk to!
Emelie, Emmanuel and Fabian are the Safety Officers at the K-Guild. They work to make sure that everyone at the K-Guild feels safe, both mentally and physically. Besides knowing everything there is to know about how to get help if you are not feeling well, they also have professional secrecy. You can contact them by email likansv@ksek.se (Emelie and Emmanuel, Equality officers) and fysansv@ksek.se (Fabian, Safety officer). You can also contact them anonymously through this form on the K-guild’s website.
The Student Health focuses on problems relating to student life. In addition to offering counselors and conversation therapy, they also offer both courses and lectures on various subjects. Examples of courses The Student Health has to offer is "Dare to speak", "Procrastination group", "Stress management course based on ACT" and "Dealing with self-criticism in studies with compassion". The Student Health employees have professional secrecy.
The Student Health
Phone number: 046-222 43 77
Young Adults is a resource for you between 16-29 years old. They offer both conversation therapy and courses on various subjects such as stress and mindfullness. Young Adults is a resource from Lund Municipality, and has nothing to do with the University or LTH.
Young Adults
Phone number: 046-359 80 93
The Student Priests specialize in crisis management and life crises. They also have absolute secrecy. The Student Priests welcome everyone, regardless of faith.
The Student Priests
Phone number: 046-71 87 35